A day in your life

A day in your life on a River Cruise
Start with a stretching class on the top deck, and grab a quick breakfast
Get ready for your morning excursion - biking, city tour, history tour, explore
on your own or stay on the boat and read a book on the deck
Lunch in the main dining room
Get ready for your afternoon excursion or stay onboard, maybe even take a nap.
Go on the top deck and watch as the boat goes through a lock. It’s fascinating as
the boat moves into the lock and raises and then lowers back on the river.
Get ready for Dinner. Stop in the lounge for a pre-dinner drink and hear about the
next day’s destination and excursion options.
Enjoy a wonderful 4-course meal, nice wine, and conversation with new friends.
Nightcap in the lounge listening to a local band.